Merge pull request #57 from ghostbsd/issue-#29
Reworked update station files, version upgrade and traslation
Adding code to reinstall packages that depend on kernel update
I remove the force upgrade everything this was casing self-heal to loop.
This fix is related to ghostbsd/issues#29
Merge pull request #23 from ghostbsd/ghostbsd/ghostbsd-src/issues/108
Added a function to get new version after the upgrade is successful
Added a function to get new version after the upgrade is successful
Updated drm-fbsd
added networkmgr and ghostbsd-update-script in need_reboot
Merge pull request #14 from ghostbsd/issue-10
fix update-station in need_reboot.json
fix update-station in need_reboot.json
Merge pull request #13 from ghostbsd/issue-10
adding need_reboot.json with a list of packages that need reboot
added update-station to need_reboot.json
added UpdateCompleted window to update-station it will be use when there is no reboot needed
adding need_reboot.json with a list of packages that need reboot
added code to only reboot if packages is in the list of reboot