DragonFlyBSD/dports bedee2a — benchmarks/kdiskmark Makefile
Manual tweak benchmarks/kdiskmark
Delta | File | |
+1 | -1 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/Makefile |
+1 | -1 | 1 files |
Manual tweak benchmarks/kdiskmark
Delta | File | |
+1 | -1 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/Makefile |
+1 | -1 | 1 files |
Merge branch 'staged'
Delta | File | |
+0 | -60,855 | graphics/openfx-misc/files/patch-CImg_CImg.h |
+30,496 | -13,051 | www/firefox/files/patch-libwebrtc-generated |
+11,355 | -11,004 | www/elgg/pkg-plist |
+8,441 | -4,312 | finance/odoo/pkg-plist |
+594 | -7,315 | x11-themes/xfce-icons-elementary/pkg-plist |
+7,346 | -0 | security/wazuh-dashboard/pkg-plist |
+58,232 | -96,537 | 59,909 files not shown |
+262,512 | -304,584 | 59,915 files |
Update benchmarks/kdiskmark to version 3.1.2
Delta | File | |
+12 | -22 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/Makefile |
+7 | -4 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/pkg-plist |
+5 | -3 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/distinfo |
+1 | -3 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/pkg-descr |
+25 | -32 | 4 files |
Merge branch 'staged'
Delta | File | |
+253,107 | -0 | www/firefox/files/patch-webrtc |
+1,068 | -110,292 | x11-themes/flat-remix-icon-themes/pkg-plist |
+27,542 | -17,356 | x11-themes/flat-remix-gtk-themes/pkg-plist |
+13,408 | -13,298 | graphics/ogre3d/pkg-plist |
+0 | -25,961 | www/firefox/files/patch-bug1612184 |
+12,069 | -12,062 | cad/kicad-library-footprints-devel/pkg-plist |
+307,194 | -178,969 | 16,155 files not shown |
+562,455 | -356,298 | 16,161 files |
Update benchmarks/kdiskmark to version 2.3.0
Delta | File | |
+3 | -3 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/distinfo |
+1 | -4 | benchmarks/kdiskmark/Makefile |
+4 | -7 | 2 files |
Import benchmarks/kdiskmark version 2.2.1